Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
We also accept inquiries by phone.

Phone: 0167-23-1275 Phone Reception Hours: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM

  1. 入力Input
  2. 内容確認Review
  3. 送信Confirmation
  4. 完了Complete


電話番号必須Phone Number
[mwform_tel name="tel" size="10"]

メールアドレス必須Email Address


国番号Country Code


都道府県(日本)Prefecture (Japan)

ご用件必須Inquiry Type

お問い合わせ内容必須Inquiry Details

When you contact us, an email is sent to the email address you provided.
However, emails sent to addresses such as or may sometimes be marked as spam by Microsoft and not reach you.
If you do not receive an email after making a reservation, please take one of the following actions:
・Call us at: 0167-23-1275 (Phone Reception Hours: 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM/JST)
・Contact us again using a different email address
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
This form is intended for inquiries and communications from customers of Furano Pension “Hoshini Negaiwo.”
Solicitations and sales activities are considered misuse of this form, which disrupts our operations. Therefore, we strictly prohibit any solicitations or sales through this form.
Repeated solicitations via this inquiry form may result in appropriate action being taken against the offending companies.